Good Cause Eviction Protections

Rochester Tenants Have New Protections From Unfair Evictions & Rent Hikes

After years of organizing by tenants across The City of Rochester passed Good Cause Eviction Protections (§213- 2(a) of Article 6-A of NYS Real Property Law) and it became law in January. If you are eligible for Good Cause Eviction Protections, you now have a right to remain in your home as long as you pay rent and follow your lease.

Good Cause Eviction Protections gives eligible tenants new rights 

  • Protection against evictions for no reason so you don’t have to fear retaliation for demanding repairs or organizing with your neighbors

  • Guaranteed lease renewals *or* ability to stay in your home month-to-month without a lease

  • Ability to challenge rent hikes that are more than 10% or the Consumer Price Index (CPI) + 5%, whichever is lower (8.45% in Rochester as of January 2025). 

Good Cause is most effective when tenants enforce their rights together as a group. If you’re facing a rent hike, unfair eviction, or non-renewal, chances are your neighbors are too. Talk to your neighbors and negotiate with your landlord together. When tenants work together, we have more power.

Who is eligible for new Good Cause rights?

Tenants in the City of Rochester are eligible for Good Cause if they:¹

  • Live in a building built before 2009

  • Rent from a landlord that owns more than 1 unit

  • Pay less than 245% of Fair Market Rent (~$2,600/month for a one bedroom)

  • Do not live in an owner-occupied building with fewer than 11 units

  • Do not rent their home as part of an employment agreement

  • Are not in housing already regulated by the state or federal government