Tell Senator Cooney: Pass Good Cause!

Contact Senator Jeremy Cooney and ask him to pass Good Cause Eviction Protections (S3082/A5573) by January 15th to prevent a mass eviction crisis when the moratorium ends.

Good Cause Eviction Protections give tenants the right to renew their tenancy, enhances their right to organize, and provides protections against unreasonable rent hikes.

Senator Cooney withdrew his support of the bill in July 2021. Senator Cooney has also received $11,800 in campaign donations from the Real Estate Board of NY (REBNY), the state’s leading real estate lobby group.

Contact info:

(585) 225-3650


My name is _______. I am your constituent, and I live at _________.

I am calling to ask that you pass Good Cause Eviction Protection (S3082/A5573) by January 15th and re-open the ERAP portal so renters can apply. We need Good Cause Eviction Protections to avoid a mass eviction crisis in January and protect all tenants from unjust evictions and rent hikes.

Potential Talking points:

  • Rochester has been in an eviction crisis long before the pandemic and will stay in one for good unless you act now.

  • Pre-pandemic, Rochester saw 8,000 evictions filed a year -- about 1 eviction filed for every 10 Rochester households.

  • An ACLU study found that in New York State, Black women face evictions at over double the rates of white tenants. Good Cause is an important racial justice measure.

  • A Harvard study found that the presence of a child is the single greatest predictor of eviction for a household.

  • Share your own story with rent hikes, trouble finding affordable housing, living in poor conditions, fear of retaliatory evictions for speaking up.